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Everything posted by PolarBlade_

  1. Thanks! Is there a way to give a role or give the perms to everyone? I gave it to a role, but im not sure how to give it to everyone
  2. How do I use cmds such as essentials.kits.[kitname] in my MC server? https://essinfo.xeya.me/permissions.html
  3. I have the cmds, but how do I use them in the game?
  4. Thanks a ton! How would I go around using the EssentialsX cmds? I tried putting it in chat but nothing changes?
  5. Hello! I was testing out my KitPVP server, but when I de-opped myself and tried to look at the kits (/kits) or give my self a kit (/kit (name)) It says I do not have access to view this cmd. How can I fix this? Thanks! (It's using the EssinsialsX plugin!)
  6. Thank you so so much! I'm going to try that out rn!
  7. I know how to make it so they cant break the blocks on my spawn, but how do I make it so they can't punch each other? Is there a plugin etc? Please help!
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