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Posts posted by J1Slxxx

  1. My server keeps crashing after multiple minutes with no loading at all, these big square holes into nothingness appear and lots more. After a minute or so the server crashes.
    I've checked my logs and it seems it's because skript can't save any variables to 'default' database. I don't know why, I tried getting help in discord & I went to github & i went to skUnity forums. But never made a conclusion, just was told to get later releases. But I can't do that. I can't update the plugin.

    I need help.

  2. Suggestion Format

    Please follow this format if you wish to post a suggestion. Alternatively, use the discord #suggestions channel.


    Suggestion Name: A bold outline of what your suggesion is

    What you are proposing: Your idea, include detail about what changes this would make to the server / discord.

    How the server / community would benefit: How your idea would make Pixel Network better, include pros and cons if possible.

    Your IGN: Your Ingame name, so that we know to reward you / respond to you if your suggestion is commendable.



  3. Hey, I'm J1Slxx. I'm fairly new to the Minehut forums, I joined the discord yesterday but I've been playing on the server for a long time.

    I'm most often found on KitPvp servers as I like the fast pace pvp aspect.

    I have a hamster pet.

    I can Skript and Build pretty well.

    and yeah, that's me.

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