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Everything posted by M1necraft_31

  1. Get rid of the friends system. I am trying to make a server but the friend system gets in the way of my own friend system. I am tying to make a bedwars server but when i create a friend system your system gets in the way. Is there away to disable this.
  2. So my one plugin I have on my server is superior Skyblock 2 but every time I start my server it crashes. It does not crash when I have different plugins and not skyblock. Why does superior skyblock not work?
  3. Here is the link https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/️-superiorskyblock2-️-the-best-core-on-market-️-1-16-support.87411/update?update=395991 Sorry about not putting it with my suggestion.
  4. Hello I was looking at your skyblock plugins and the ones you have i don't understand and is different. So here is an idea for y'all to maybe add, the plugin is called superiorskyblock2. I think its very nice and neat plugin to use.
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