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Everything posted by Fununivers

  1. Every time i use the command /summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ it spawns it but the falling block breaks as soon as it spawns. And i have tried to change the time on the entity but that doesnt fix it either but when i place a sand block and let that fall it doesnt break
  2. how do you delete ur post 😕

  3. hi my alt viktorjb got blacklisted for no reason so far i know and i cant join the discord either for some weird reason and i dont know what to do can anyone help me here is my appeal incase u want it hello my name is viktorjb my alt name and i got blacklisted i dont know why or how but i do know im not guilty and even if i was i would love response on wy i got blacklisted. for what ever i did i wil hope i wil be able to restore and make it good again
  4. so i was playing on dirtclick when one of my parents came upstairs but i had to sleep instead of game so i closed my minecraft realy quick and closed my laptop and jumped into bed... few hours later i rejoined minehut and it says am blacklisted i dont know why or how. i did win 2k credits from a event mr_kurtis hosted but that was it i would love response to why and how i can get unblacklisted pls dm me on discorrd minecraft ign: KylCraft Discord ign: nuggets#8236
  5. Your IGN: KylCraft

    Your Discord: Nuggets#8236.

    Age: 14.

    Time zone: dont know how to answer this. at the time im writing this its 23:24.

    What is you`re current rank?:.
    on minehut: vip.
    on the server: default.

    Do you have a working mic?: yes i do.

    do you have any previous punishments?:
    on minehut: yes i did. only mutes.
    on the server: no 0 punishments.

    How many hours are you able to be on the server?: 5-6 hours.

    How active can you be per week: everyday if im not gone for some reason.

    How long on average do you spend on the server per day?: i just started playing today i see its a amazing server wich can have alot of great updates where i want be a part of.

    Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: yes i have.
    i was a mod on nitrogens where i was a mod but the server died very fast.
    and i was staff on 2 other small server.
    im currently trying to be staff on a bigger server (keyeventz)

    Why do you want to become a staff member on StrafeKits?: well when i joined the server first time i saw there was alot of hope for this server but just a few things missing. i want to make those missing things to make the server better for me the players and the staff.

    Why should we pick your application than other applications?: well to be honest i dont know. but i dont give up very fast if i want something i work for it. i have lots of patients if someone is trying to annoy me or my other staff members i will do something about it.

    What is one of your strengths & weaknesses?:

    strength: i`m good at commands (just normal java commands, and worldedit,worldgaurd) i dont give up very fast, am intressed how things work and how others see things, and i can write alot like u see :D.

    weakness: i hate it when i`m speaking in the vc and then someone else speaks thru me.

    Do you know how to screen share & find Ghost Clients? (Yes/No):
    Anything else?: yes i do. i know lots of clients and how clients work. i have previous experience with cheaters.



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