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Everything posted by benjamonkey175

  1. i have all those requirements and by the command that enable and disables the one block mode and can you make it so the oneblock mode only happens at that block
  2. Have you heard of One block if you need an example please check this video out 0:05 0:15 seconds i want to turn this into a skript and use in a server is anyone willing to help with this thankyou i would want this skript by anytime i want to it have a command that enables and disables the item drop thing on a players island I hope you guys can work with this
  3. Have you heard of One block if you need an example please check this video out 0:05 0:15 seconds i want to turn this into a skript and use in a server is anyone willing to help with this thankyou i would want this skript by anytime i want to it have a command that enables and disables the item drop thing on a players island i have a island skript its this command is <text>: usage: &c/is create/home trigger: if arg-1 is "create": if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: execute console command "/mv clone Skyisland %player's uuid%" send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Generating &7(&c&l!&7)" to player wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" set {island::%player's uuid%} to true else: send formatted "&cYou already have an island." to player else if arg-1 is "home": if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: send "&c&lERROR &7| &bYou need to create a island first." to player else: execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" else if arg-1 is "delete": if {island::%player's uuid%} is set: set {deletion::%player's uuid%} to true send "&e&lISLAND &7| &bType &aconfirm &bin chat to confirm your island deletion." to player on chat: if message is "confirm": if {deletion::%player's uuid%} is set: cancel event delete {deletion::%player's uuid%} teleport player to {spawn} wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mv delete %player's uuid%" execute console command "/mv confirm" delete {island::%player's uuid%} send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Deleted &7(&c&l!&7)" to player command setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player command spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} I hope you guys can work with this
  4. Have you heard of One block if you need an example please check this video out 0:05 0:15 seconds i want to turn this into a skript and use in a server is anyone willing to help with this thankyou i would want this skript by anytime i want to it have a command that enables and disables the item drop thing on a players island i have a island skript its this command is <text>: usage: &c/is create/home trigger: if arg-1 is "create": if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: execute console command "/mv clone Skyisland %player's uuid%" send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Generating &7(&c&l!&7)" to player wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" set {island::%player's uuid%} to true else: send formatted "&cYou already have an island." to player else if arg-1 is "home": if {island::%player's uuid%} is not set: send "&c&lERROR &7| &bYou need to create a island first." to player else: execute console command "/mvtp %player% %player's uuid%" else if arg-1 is "delete": if {island::%player's uuid%} is set: set {deletion::%player's uuid%} to true send "&e&lISLAND &7| &bType &aconfirm &bin chat to confirm your island deletion." to player on chat: if message is "confirm": if {deletion::%player's uuid%} is set: cancel event delete {deletion::%player's uuid%} teleport player to {spawn} wait 2.5 seconds execute console command "/mv delete %player's uuid%" execute console command "/mv confirm" delete {island::%player's uuid%} send action bar "&7(&c&l!&7) &eIsland Deleted &7(&c&l!&7)" to player command setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of player command spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} I hope you guys can work with this
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