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Posts posted by KJPAKA

  1. Ahhh.... my bad. This should work!


    spawn an armor stand at location of <location>
    set {_stand} to last spawned armor stand
    add "{CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1b,Small:1,Invisible:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_stand}


  2. I made this Skript for you that fully works! (WARNING: I disabled the usage of anvils in the Skript for you so you don't run into that issue. If you don't want them disabled contact me and ill figure something else out)

    command /check [<integer>]:
            set {_a} to arg-1
            if player's balance >= {_a}:
                remove {_a} from player's balance
                give player 1 paper named "&6&lCHECK &e&l+%{_a}%"
                play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 5 to player
                send "&cYou don't have the specified amount of money!" to player
                play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 5 to player
    on right click with paper:
        if name of player's held item contains "CHECK":
            set {_a::*} to name of player's tool split at "+"
            remove 1 paper named "&6&lCHECK &e&l+%{_a::2}%" from player
            set {_m} to {_a::2} parsed as a integer
            add {_m} to player's balance
            play sound "entity.villager.yes" with volume 5 to player
            send "&aYou have claimed &2$%{_a::2}%&a from your check!" to player
    on right click on anvil:
    	cancel event


  3. The server/account can't get hacked (i think). Most likely it was your "friend" or you or one of your friends gave server operator to a non trusted person. You can't get any of the lost stuff back sadly. However, if you have video evidence it can be reported to the staff team and the user could possibly get banned for community disruption I believe.

  4. It could be the two different versions are overriding each other and bugging. I am not sure however, this could be an issue with Minehut code, something they possibly forgot to add. It also could be a plugin but I highly doubt it. You should try looking though to see if it's a plugin.


    If you can't find a answer I would suggest contacting support so someone can get you the right help. 

    Support: https://minehut.com/support


    Have a good day!

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