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Posts posted by xlr100

  1. 8 hours ago, SoloStrafe said:
    	moneyperkill: 100 #change 100 to anything for the different amount of money per kill
    on death:
    	add {@moneyperkill} to attacker's balance
    	send "&7You have recieved $100 for killing %victim%" to attacker




    Some stuff to note:

    1. You didnt remove money from the victim or even send him a message

    2. In my opinion a player should lose a percentage of his total amount of money instead of a fixed amount 

    3. You didn't check if the attacker and victim are players

  2. Although some improvements can be made, nice script and it can be helpful to people that are new to skript.

    The biggest suggestion for improvement i can give is using lists:

    Make a list for the ranks and a separated list for the rank prefixes.

    Doing so would save a lot of lines and also add the possibility of the players adding ranks and prefixes themselves to those lists with a command like /rank create (name) (prefix)

  3. So I got the idea from a YouTube video about Minecraft in a chest using command blocks.

    I though that it could be done better with Skript.

    I managed to do it, and added some stuff, keep in mind that its still in beta and a lot of features are missing.

    Please replay with your feedback and ideas on how to improve

  4. A couple of things to fix:

    1. No need for "stop"

    2. You wrote in the usage that the command is /clear chat but the command would only work if the player types /clear clear

    3. After you finished looping there is no need for 4 more broadcasts, use one

    4. You should just use if arg-1 is "chat": and else:

  5. Its a nice idea, but you need to improve a couple of things:

    1. There is no need for "stop"

    2. You should use a list like {reports::%uuid of player%::*} so you can actually save the report reason

    3. When storing player related long lasting data you should use "uuid of player" in the variable {reports::%uuid of arg-1%::*} so the data won't be lost if the player changes his name 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. I chose to use plots this season because there was no other option because the claiming plugins weren't updated.

    Seeing how bad the plots plugin is and the amount of lag it generates, next season will probably use a skyblock plugin with a custom made farming island

  7. On 7/1/2019 at 6:51 PM, Swala_ said:

    Is it possible you could create what one might call "prefabricated", basically where if you were in a skyblock server and you wanted to buy an advanced generator, you could pay 20k within a shop gui and get a spawn egg that can then assemble the new gen?

    Creating structures with spawn eggs is usually something you do with command blocks (to mark a location) so its not necessary, but nice idea

  8. Nice idea for shortening a few lines but like i said, i coded it in a few minutes in order to solve a specific type of bot attack my server suffered from, it's not guaranteed to work against any other kind of bot attack

    • Like 1
  9. On 6/26/2019 at 3:47 PM, OMan100 said:

    Keep in mind that this script was created in a few minutes, and wasn't strictly tested so i can't grantee this will work against all kinds of bot attacks


  10. My server was bot attacked several times in a span of a few hours (because it was the top server), and Minehut's antibot plugins did nothing to prevent the bots from crashing the server.

    With that said, i decided to create an antibot that will prevent such cases from repeating. Keep in mind that this script was created in a few minutes, and wasn't strictly tested so i can't grantee this will work against all kinds of bot attacks.


    - Create a random Captcha per player, once he solved it he doesn't have to solve it again.

    - Auto Kick after a minute if the Captcha isn't solved

    - Creates another Captcha if the player joins again and he didn't complete the previous one 

    - The player cant move or chat or type any command that doesn't contain "hub" or "server"

    Note - This script doesn't offer any customization because it wasn't originally created for others, i will add customization if requested enough




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