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  1. RyanFahey000

    World Corrupted?

    So, a few days ago, I started a test server, and after that, I reset the server (danger zone) and it was working great. I had my new world and we spent an extraordinary amount of time building in the last few days. Until today, when I logged on, it brought me back to my old world. I tried to repair files, but that did not work. I also tried in file manager, deleting the old world to force it into the new world. This would just end up creating a new world when it was started though. In /worlds, I can see my world that we spent time on, but when trying to teleport to it, it says that the world does not exist (even though it shows it). I also tried /dl, but it also says the world doesn't exist. Is there an alternative way to download the presumed corrupted world? TLDR: I need to download the world from the minehut website since I cannot get it through minecraft. Thanks, I hope someone can help.
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