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Everything posted by WeebIsASadCat

  1. People say this doesn't work with 1.14? Is this true.
  2. I will test this out whats the command for it?
  3. I tried putting a Crate key in a kit but it doesn't work and pops up with this In Kit File kits: Daily: delay: 86400 items: - tripwire_hook 1 name:Daily_Crate_Key lore:&7Right-Click_on_a_"&fDaily&7"_crate|&7to_win_an_item!| durability:1 itemflags:HIDE_ENCHANTS
  4. Signs make it look bad does anyone know how to make text float and its see through. the ones that turns when you turns
  5. I tried PEX and I really didn't understand it.
  6. Thats good if possible make sure to +rep me! Hope your server works out My Server is here Copy and paste SIimeFun.minehut.gg in the multiplayer or type it in with a L being a uppercase i! OR SIimeFun.minehut.gg a WIP server with SlimeFun plugin to join do /join SIimeFun
  7. So it does work but you can break it I assure you no one else can
  8. Ok you did add yourself to it so only you and people who are OPed can break it.
  9. Depends did you put your name in the WorldGuard when making it?
  10. You would have to get a random person who doesn't have perms to try to break it, since your server owner you can break it no matter what I'm pretty sure, unless you didn't add yourself to it then maybe it will block all players.
  11. Exactly if you are not server OP you should not be able to break it (Also server owners can probably bypass, if you give the plot to someone specifically then they can use it too)
  12. If you are Server OP or have access to OP, they are able to bypass it.
  13. Does anyone know to auto gives people roles (prefix) when they join a server for the first time?
  14. Can't make a world or sign in
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