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Everything posted by Marijnk

  1. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/openaudiomc-realtime-online-music-and-effects-bungeecord-velocity.30691/ This plugin is in my opinion waaaay better than McJukebox. I would like to have this plugin instead.
  2. With Essentials you can do /kit color and than you get a book full of color codes, you can use that on signs to get colored text. For example &1 is blue so you can type text like &1Welcome! You can also use https://minecraft.tools/en/sign.php for generating signs.
  3. I'm making a theme park server with Traincarts, and it's quite annoying to go and change the text on traincarts signs by deleting the sign and typing it all over again, so I would like to have this plugin. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/signeditor-1-9-1-16.36776/
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