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Everything posted by amannameddavid

  1. I have been wandering if I can use a -and hear me out- Hacked Client on my player server. Or will I get banned from MineHut?
  2. amannameddavid

    Player limit

    Is it possible for me to join my server if it is full, not that it would be full, but If it is I am not sure if I could join the server
  3. amannameddavid


    I realized so I already made it on skript
  4. amannameddavid


    I would like to suggest skeppys /f plugin which sudoes everyone on the server to say f here is the link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skeppy-f-command-recreated.58681/
  5. But it would be epic If I could permanently install it on my minehut server
  6. This is a plugin made by dream and skeppy (YT) which I want to try but I can't get it on singelplayer, I would appreciate if the minehut team could put this plugin on there plugin list. here is the link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/cursed-minecraft-plugin.69550/
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