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Everything posted by THE_RANSER

  1. What's wrong with this? execute console command "/give %arg-1% shield{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Black Knight Shield\",\"italic\":false}"},Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:vanishing_curse,lvl:1}],BlockEntityTag:{Base:15,Patterns:[{Pattern:"gra",Color:14}]}} 1"
  2. command /repair [<player>] [<string>] [<number>]: permission: op trigger: repair (arg 2 parsed as item type) of arg 1 by arg 3 send "Repaired %arg-1%'s %arg-2% by %arg-3%" to player it still has the same error: the 1st argument is neither an item stack, an item type nor an entity type
  3. I'm really bad at skript and have never used a parse... can you tell me where to put it in my code?
  4. it gives me this error: the 1st argument is neither an item stack, an item type nor an entity type
  5. command /repair [<player>] [<string>] [<number>]: permission: op trigger: repair arg-2 of arg-1 by arg-3 send "Repaired %arg-1%'s %arg-2% by %arg-3%" to player IDK what's wrong
  6. I am making a sword that strikes lightning when it hits an entity, where the lightning only does damage to the victim. I don't want to give resistance. Is there a way to cancel the lightning damage for the attacker?
  7. I have been trying to make a troll skript, and am trying to give the player speed without the potion effect... Does anyone know how to do this?
  8. This does not seem to be working. Do I require any libraries?
  9. Really sorry, I'm a bit of a noob so I'm not sure how to do that... Any other fixes?
  10. I have been trying to make a duels skript, and am trying to add a totem to the off-hand... Does anyone know how to do this?
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