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Everything posted by ClaretYT

  1. Version 1.0.0


    So i was looking for a /setrules skript but i could never find one. So i decided to create one so save you all from your stuggles. no need to go though any more files for rules! Commands: permission required: op /setrule <1-5> <rule> No permission needed: /rules
  2. Hello, I've just created a warn skript from scratch here it is for you all to use! command /warn <offline player> <text>: permission: staff.warn permission message: &4No Permission trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: send "&4&lWARN:" to all players send "&c%arg-1% has been warned for %arg-2%" to all players if arg-2 is not set: send "&4Please add a reason to the warn!" to player if arg-1 is not set: send "&4Pick a player you would wish to warn!" if player has permission "staff.warn.view": send "&4&lWARN INFO: &c%player% warned %arg-1%" feel free to make changes in your server
  3. Or when you load up minehut right click the compass --> server history
  4. I recommend using the znpcs plugin as it's easy to use
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