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Everything posted by bloke

  1. bloke

    Dupe Skript

    Hello! I just need to know how to add a segment to this skript: options: prefix: &4Coke&cDupe &8| &cItem &4Duped! command /dupe: trigger: set {_item} to player's tool give {_item} to player send "{@prefix}" stop I need to add a segment that tells it if the item has "&fUndupable" in the lore then you cant dupe it. Thank you!
  2. bloke

    Plugin Adding

    and for some reason its also world edit
  3. bloke

    Plugin Adding

    For some reason its only specifically these, but whenever I try to add item edit or item tag they don't even appear in files. Can anyone help? But I do know other alternatives like executable items, just i really want itemedit and itemtag because im very used to them.
  4. bloke

    Daily Time Limit

  5. bloke

    Daily Time Limit

    Me and my friend have a hardcore server, and we started playing it (3:22 pm) about an hour ago. But, instead of the expected 8 hours, it warned us of closure after 1 fricking hour. If anyone has info one why this happened, please reply to this!
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