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Everything posted by Cannonbolt101

  1. the screenshot shows it was only active for 2 hours and 38 minutes, and the 30 minute warning was already given by that point. We were kicked off at exactly 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 54 seconds. And no one was on the server earlier in the day
  2. If it's been reduced to 4 hours, why is the server shutting down after only 3?
  3. You've said 8 hours only a week ago. Also, even if the limit was only 4 hours, my server was shut down after only 3.
  4. So I recently learned that free servers have an 8 hour time limit? I find that a bit annoying, but not the end of the world. The problem is the server is kicking me after only 2 and a half hours Was I mistaken about the time limit? or is something wrong?
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