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  1. So I have this skript and Im trying to make it say for example 3d 5h instead of 3 days 5 hours 13 minutes Here is skript: every 1 seconds: loop all players: set {_Money} to loop-player's balance set {_playtime} to loop-player's time played send action bar "&a&lMoney: %{_Money}% &7 | &e&lPlaytime: %{_playtime}%" to loop-player
  2. Slowly learning skript

  3. Sorry for the late response but It works but you cant move your head and if you do move it tells you after its done counting down
  4. MrColin_


    so I have this skript but Im trying to make it when you click the one slot for like example slot 11 Here is the skript: on inventory click: wait 0.10 second send "&6&lWEBSTORE", "", "&fPurchase any of our ranks!", "", "&fWe sell ranks, and keys!", "", "&e- <link:https://lifeneal-webshop.tebex.io/>&6Store.Lifeneal.Shop<reset>" to player close player's inventory
  5. This is the skript command /spawn: trigger: &7Usage: &a/spawn trigger: send action bar "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 5" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 5" to player wait 1 second send action bar "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 4" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 4" to player wait 1 second send action bar "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 3" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 3" to player wait 1 second send action bar "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 2" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 2" to player wait 1 second send action bar "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 1" to player play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send "&a&lTELEPORTING IN 1" to player set {spawn} to location(5755.926731864181, 81.5, 537.9135724377974) set pitch of {spawn} to 15.299637 set yaw of {spawn} to 179.83743 teleport player to {spawn} play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 10 and pitch 1 to player send " " send "&c&l&nTIMES UP!" send "&a&lYou have been sent back to spawn!" send " "
  6. So I made this /spawn skript but cant figure out how to make it so when a player moves it cancels them the event.
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