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  1. Hello, I made a scoreboard skript and it was working, but when I used it on a different server it stopped working, can anyone help? SKRIPT: import: org.bukkit.Bukkit options: server: &5&lNeo&8-&d&lEclipse # function formatNum(n:number) :: string: set {_pre::*} to "K", "M", "B", "T" if {_n} < 10^3: return "%{_n}%" set {_a} to 6 set {_i} to 1 while {_o} is not set: if {_n} <= (10^{_a}-1): set {_r} to ({_n}/10^({_a}-3)) set {_o} to "%{_r}%%{_pre::%{_i}%}%" add 3 to {_a} add 1 to {_i} return {_o} # expression tps: get: set {_tps::*} to split "%Bukkit.getServer().spigot().getTPS()%" at ", " set {_tps} to round({_tps::1} parsed as number) return {_tps} # expression onlinevagter: get: set {_vagter::*} to all players where [input's group is "Guard" or "Captain" or "Chief"] return size of {_vagter::*} ? 0 # expression onlineStaffs: get: set {_staffs::*} to all players where [input's group is "Owner" or "HeadAdmin" or "Moderator" or "Helper" or "Developer" or "Builder"] return size of {_staffs::*} ? 0 function ErBandeSat(uuid: string) :: string: if {BANDE::SPILLER::%{_uuid}%} is set: return "&f%{BANDE::SPILLER::%{_uuid}%}%" else: return "&cIngen" # on join: while player is online: set {_penge} to formatNum(player's balance) set title of player's scoreboard to "{@server} &8( &f%number of all players% &8)" set line 14 of player's scoreboard to "&7 &7" set line 13 of player's scoreboard to "&7┌ &d&lPROFILE &8➡" set line 12 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fName: &7%player%" set line 11 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fRank: &7%player's group%" set line 10 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fBalance: &7%{_penge}%" set line 6 of player's scoreboard to "&7&7&7└" set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&7┌ &d&lSERVERINFO &8➡" set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fOnline Staffs: &7%onlineStaffs%" set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fOnline Guards: &7%onlinevagter%" set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&7&7&7└" wait 2 seconds if player has permission "staff.sk": while player is online: set {_penge} to formatNum(player's balance) set title of player's scoreboard to "{@server} &8( &f%number of all players% &8)" set line 14 of player's scoreboard to "&7 &7" set line 13 of player's scoreboard to "&7┌ &d&lPROFILE &8➡" set line 12 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fName: &c%player%" set line 11 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fRank: &c%player's group%" set line 10 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fBalance: &7%{_penge}%" set line 6 of player's scoreboard to "&7&7&7└" set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&7┌ &d&lSERVERINFO &8➡" set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fOnline Staffs: &7%onlineStaffs%" set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&7│ &fOnline Guards: &7%onlinevagter%" set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&7&7&7└" wait 2 seconds Error message: (in uploaded images below)
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