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aabss last won the day on April 15 2023

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  1. I made a minehut server name checker to check a bunch of words at once cuz I was bored so here is the download! https://github.com/aabssmc/Minehut-Name-Availability-Checker/releases/tag/minehut
  2. Hypixel Messaging Skript Just a clone of hypixel's messaging system DISCLAIMER: This probably wont work with minehut cuz of minehut's premade /msg sooo yeah.. Features: SocialSpy: Ability to spy on other player's messages with a permission Message Toggling: Ability to disable and reenable messages Essentials whisper bypass: Ability to have the messaging commands take over Essential's commands Replying: Ability to reply to last message sent to you Boop & Beep: Ability to /boop and /beep people ingame Screenshots: Permissions: social.spy: Ability to use /social spy Commands: /msg: Usage: /msg <player> <message> Aliases: w, whisper, message, pm, dm, mail, email, emsg, ew, ewhisper, epm, edm Permission: none /msgtoggle: Usage: /msgtoggle Aliases: /togglemsg Permission: none /boop & /beep: Usage: /boop /beep Aliases: none Permission: none /reply: Usage: /msgtoggle Aliases: ereply, r, er Permission: none /socialspy: Usage: /socialspy Aliases: cmdspy Permission: social.spy If you need support join my discord @ https://discord.gg/Vnrfc8wSsh ALT DOWNLOAD: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/hypixelmsg-skript.110311/ hypixelmsg.sk
  3. An Improved StaffChat Skript Credit to xImWolf on Spigot for making the original staffchat skript I copied Features: Toggleable staff chat Talk in chat with "#" in front and talk in staffchat! Does not loop every online player when talking Short Aliases Screenshots: Commands: /staffchat <text> /a <text> /sc <text> ---- /togglestaffchat [<on|off>] /togglesc [<on|off>] /tsc [<on|off>] /ta [<on|off>] /togglea [<on|off>] Permissions: staffchat.use If you need support or would like to report a bug, join the discord @ https://discord.gg/Vnrfc8wSsh ALT DOWNLOAD: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/staffchat.110312/ staffchat.sk
  4. haha i made a random kits skript WAYYY before you and published it ahhahaha
  5. tell me if there are problems options: messages: true #set to false if you don't want a message to send when command is executed command offhand: trigger: if player's offhand is air: if player's tool is air: if {@messages} is true: send "&cPlease hold something!" to player else: set player's offhand tool to player's tool clear player's tool if {@messages} is true: send "&aSuccessfully set your offhand to &e%player's offhand tool%&a!" to player else: if player's tool is air: set {offhand::%player's uuid%} to player's offhand tool set player's offhand tool to player's tool set player's tool to {offhand::%player's uuid%} if {@messages} is true: send "&aSuccessfully removed &e%{offhand::%player's uuid%}% &afrom your offhand!" to player delete {offhand::%player's uuid%} else: set {offhand::%player's uuid%} to player's offhand tool if {@messages} is true: send "&aSuccessfully replaced &e%{offhand::%player's uuid%}% &awith &e%player's tool%&a!" to player set player's offhand tool to player's tool set player's tool to {offhand::%player's uuid%} delete {offhand::%player's uuid%} no addons needed just skript offhand.sk
  6. I uploaded this skript to spigotmc but hardly anyone saw it so I uploaded it here! hope you enjoy https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/random-kits-skript.106216/
  7. I made some random skript since i was bored that makes everyone say what ever you want # Made by Aabss#5493 command /everyone <text>: permission: qk.everyone trigger: make all players say "%argument 1%" Feel free to copy and paste it into your skript section everyone.sk
  8. every 5 minutes: loop all players: # Change the "afkzone" section to the region of your afk pit. if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afkzone": # Change the "/crates givekey %loop-player% afk" command to the command of choice console command "/crates givekey %loop-player% afk" # Change the broadcasts to your liking send "&dYou got a &b AFK Key &dfor being AFK!" to loop-player broadcast "" broadcast "&5All players in the AFK pit just got &5a&b AFK Key!" broadcast "" all you need is the plugin "worldguard" and you will be fine I sent this out cuz i was looking for this skript for a while until I decided to make my own! (with a template i found online) I published mine also cuz others dont even work
  9. I need either a skript or a plugin that would reset a certain region or a world after a set amount of time, also not clear the inventoy.
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