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About Cosmical

  • Birthday 04/03/2010

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  1. on mine: if event-block is not stone or coal ore: cancel event You can modify the blocks anytime
  2. Type it in without the slash. aka "/"
  3. Maybe you installed plugins for a differant API?
  4. Use this, you will need skript, it's very simple and short on join: execute console command "gamemode spectator %player%"
  5. You can also get those people Blacklisted from minehut
  6. Check out this tutorial, it's very informative
  7. You don't, its impossible to ban players on minehut globally, if they're being toxic or racist. Report them to mojang, or just ban them on your server.
  8. Instead of making a txt file, make it a .sk file, for expample. joins.sk
  9. on command: if command is "plugins" or "plugin" or "pl": if player does not have permission "ViewPlugins.Bypass": cancel event send "I wont give you our secret recepie"
  10. The join wouldnt even work, theres nothing that adds to the joins
  11. Ban indentation, inafitiant, try something like this next time, it's way more efficiant on join: add 1 to {joins} set {joins::%Player%} to {joins} if player has not played before: set join message to "&2%Player% has joined for the first time &7[%{joins::%player%}%]" else: set join message to "&2%Player% has joined" on quit: set leave message to "&2%player% has left"
  12. Your code would show both, broadcasting for join messages is just dumb, try something like this. on join: add 1 to {joins} set {joins::%Player%} to {joins} if player has not played before: set join message to "&2%Player% has joined for the first time &7[%{joins::%player%}%]" else: set join message to "&2%Player% has joined" on quit: set leave message to "&2%player% has left"
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