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Everything posted by EnderMan101

  1. (Replying to CoolProgrammer) I tried doing the thing with worldedit, but he must've deleted the logs. He removed most of the server in two commands: [Sun Aug 30 16:58:54 GMT 2020] IH8TOMSOZ: /gmc [Sun Aug 30 16:59:02 GMT 2020] IH8TOMSOZ: //replacenear 100 air This was in the logs of ChatManager. I know he did it on purpose, no clue why though. The player report forum isn't functional right now, so I just put a notice in the information forum. Thanks anyway, but all hope is lost
  2. Tomsoz a0fc2a5e-b64e-4078-a342-4aefcb8d980d His name has changed before, so watch out He is a skript developer, but do not let him have any permissions on your server. I made that mistake and he irreparably removed months of work from my parkour server Hopnjump. I am posting this here since the player report forum isn't really operational yet.
  3. I spent months building a server and my dev removed most of it with worldedit. I do not have a backup or save from before this happened. Is there any possible way to return the server to a previous state? I have the following plugins: Buycraft, ChatManager, EssentialsX, Holographic Displays, LuckPerms, Skript, Skript Addon: skQuery, Skript Addon: skRayFall, TAB REBORN, Vault, WorldEdit
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