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  1. So I'm doing a server in where it's a desert and there's no water. However, Minecraft's desert biome has water lakes, and I want to remove them when a player sees the water. I can't find any plugin to do the job so could anyone help me find a plugin, or a solution to this?
  2. Quote Have you found a solution yet? I don't want to give you any pressure or anything, I just want to know if possible.
  3. I want to do a survival game, but I absolutely have no idea about Skript. Is it even possible to detect players that are sleeping? If someone can answer this simple question, i would be so thankful. Thanks!
  4. I'm doing a simple plot server and I can't figure out how to set up permissions. I've looked on Google, but I can't find anything that works for me. Could anyone give me a hand? Thanks!
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