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Lurker (1/6)



  1. on damage of a player: attacker is a player {combat.immune.%victim's uuid%} is not 1: {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} is not set: send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c You are now in combat. Do not log out." to victim set {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} to 12 set {actplus.combatant.%victim's uuid%} to "%attacker%" {combat.immune.%attacker's uuid%} is not 1: {actplus.time.%attacker's uuid%} is not set: send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c You are now in combat. Do not log out." to attacker set {actplus.time.%attacker's uuid%} to 12 set {actplus.combatant.%attacker's uuid%} to "%victim%" every 2 ticks: loop all players where [{actplus.time.%player input's uuid%} exists]: {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} is less than 0.1: send action bar "&aYou are no longer in combat." to loop-player send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&a You are no longer in combat." to loop-player delete {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} delete {actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%} {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} is greater than 0: loop-player is not sprinting: send action bar "&4&l&c&lCOMBAT&4&l %{actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%}% seconds (%{actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%}%)" to loop-player subtract 0.1 from {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} loop-player is sprinting: send action bar "&cCombat time frozen while sprinting (%{actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%}%)" to loop-player on command: {actplus.time.%player's uuid%} is set player does not have the permission "combat.immune": send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c You cannot execute commands in combat." to player cancel event stop command is not "combatimmune": send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c You cannot usually execute commands in combat." to player send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&a You have the ability to escape combat with /CombatImmune." to player cancel event on quit: {actplus.time.%player's uuid%} exists kill player broadcast "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c&l %player%&c logged out while fighting &l%{actplus.combatant.%player's uuid%}%" on death of a player: wait 1 tick {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} exists set {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} to 0 on join: {combat.immune.%player's uuid%} exists: send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&a You're currently immune to combat tag. Disable with /CombatImmune" to player command /CombatImmune: permission: combat.immune permission message: &6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&c Permission required: combat.immune trigger: {combat.immune.%player's uuid%} exists: delete {combat.immune.%player's uuid%} send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&a You are no longer immune to combat tag." to player stop {combat.immune.%player's uuid%} is not set: set {combat.immune.%player's uuid%} to 1 send "&6[&c&lSease Combat&6]&a You are now immune to combat tag." to player delete {actplus.time.%player's uuid%} delete {actplus.combatant.%player's uuid%}
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