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  1. I tried it but it still showed whatever I sent myself. It kinda defeats the whole purpose of not being able to message yourself
  2. Everything is fine. No bugs command /whisper <player> [<text>]: description: Whisper to someone without having to be friends! aliases: /w permission: whisper.use permission message: &c&l[!] You do not have permission to use this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&7%player% whispers to you: %arg-2%" to arg-1 send "&7You whispered this to %arg-1%: %arg-2%" to player But I want to add something at the end that prevents you from messaging yourself. With the text being "&c&l[!] You cannot message yourself!". I tried doing this and it worked, but it still showed the the text of your message and who you sent it to. As well as a message and who sent it to you. Could anyone help with this? If you can, thanks!
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