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Everything posted by kubivo

  1. but i want to do coal rank permissions
  2. I dont know how to do permissions to commands with skript, and i dont know how to teleport someone with skript. I tried to do something with skript plugin but im too dumb. Could someone help me? My skript was: command /coal: permission: coal permission message: &cYou dont have permissions for this! trigger: send "&7&lTeleporting you in&c&l 5&7&l seconds" wait 1 seconds send "&7&lTeleporting you in&c&l 4&7&l seconds" wait 1 seconds send "&7&lTeleporting you in&c&l 3&7&l seconds" wait 1 seconds send "&7&lTeleporting you in&c&l 2&7&l seconds" wait 1 seconds send "&7&lTeleporting you in&c&l 1&7&l seconds" wait 1 seconds send "&7&lYou have been&c&l teleported" teleport player to location 216, 157, 224 in world “world”
  3. kubivo

    Minehut rank mines

    It's not working
  4. kubivo

    Minehut rank mines

    I created rank mines, but i dont know how to do permissions to teleport to them. Could someone helpe me?
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