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Everything posted by Meow_Squad

  1. Hi once again, I was trying to do more skript on my server but then I realized with a money variable it would be a bit hard to count exactly how much money you have if the numbers are written like 10000000000 (10 billion). So I was wondering if there was a way to get suffixes for large sums of money; for example 1-999 would be normal but 1,000 to 999,999 would be written like 3.47k (3,470) or 539.21k (539,210), and so on like 12.37M (12,370,000). Thanks you for your time.
  2. Hi, I was trying to make a scoreboard for my server but I tried to reload the skript and it came up with 5 errors. I will put skripts of the variable AND the scoreboard down below. Scoreboard: every 5 seconds: loop all players: wipe sidebar of loop-player set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&2&lSMPFunMeow" set score "&a&lPLAYER:" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 set score "&7Money: %{basiccurrency::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0 set score "&a%{kills::%player%}% &7| &c%{deaths::%player%}" in sidebar of loop-player to -1 Variables: on join: remove player's uuid from {Joins::*} if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {Joins::*} set {basiccurrency::%player%} to 0 set {floracurrency::%player%} to 0 set {gemscurrency::%player%} to 0 set {deaths::%loop-player%} to 0 set {kills::%loop-player%} to 0 set {kdr::%loop-player%} to 0 Errors: Line 3: Loop-player is not an nbt compound (line 3: wipe sidebar of loop-player') Line 4: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&2&lSMPFunMeow"' (line 4: set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&2&lSMPFunMeow"') Line 5: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to 1' (line 5: set score "&a&lPLAYER:" in sidebar of loop-player to 1') Line 6: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to 0' (line 6: set score "&7Money: %{basiccurrency::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0') Line 7: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to ' (line 7: set score "&a%{kills::%player%}% &7| &c%{deaths::%player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to -1')
  3. I tried to make a skript for muting people because there are people that spam on the server. I need help trying to figure it out though. command /mute <player> <number>: permission: op permission message: &cNot today, nor Tomorrow. trigger: add uuid of "%arg-2%" to {Muted::*} send "&cYou have been muted for %arg-2% minutes." to "%arg-1%" parsed as player wait "%arg-2%" minutes remove "%arg-2%"'s uuid from {Muted::*} send "&aYour mute has expired!" to "%arg-1%" parsed as player command /unmute <player>: permission: op permission message: &cNot today, nor Tomorrow. trigger: if "%arg-1%"'s uuid is not in {Muted::*}: send "&cThat player is already unmuted!" to player else: remove "%arg-1%"'s uuid from {Muted::*} send "&aYou have been unmuted!" to "%arg-1%" parsed as player send "&aUnmuted %arg-1%&a!" on chat: if {Muted::*} contains player's uuid: cancel event send "&cYou are currently muted!" to player Errors: Line 13: Can't understand this condition/effect: add uuid of "%arg-2%" to {Muted::*} (line 13: add "%arg-2%"'s uuid to {Muted::*}') Line 16: Can't understand this condition/effect: remove "%arg-2%"'s uuid from {Muted::*} (line 16: remove "%arg-2%"'s uuid from {Muted::*}') (The Parser doesn't support every syntax element.) Line 23: Can't understand this condition: '"%arg-1%"'s uuid is not in {Muted::*}' (line 23: if "%arg-1%"'s uuid is not in {Muted::*}:') Line 25: 'else' has to be placed just after another 'if' or 'else if' section (line 25: else:')
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