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Everything posted by Dieeeeeeeeeeeeee

  1. So I have been trying to add a block's location to a loop, but for some reason it doesn't work, does anyone have any idea to fix this or have any suggestions on how to fix this? Code: on place: add %event-block's block location% to {testing::*} command /blocks: trigger: loop {testing::*}: send "%loop-block's block location%" to player Error: "%event-block's block location%" can't be added to {testing::*} because the former is not an object.
  2. options: timer: 2 command /timer <number>: trigger: set {@timer} to arg-1 every {@timer} seconds: broadcast "a" i'm trying to set the variable with a command but it just gives me errors. Error: Can't understand this condition/effect: set 2 to arg-1 line 6: set {@timer} to arg-1
  3. Here you go on right click: if player's held item is Nether Star named "&f&lPower Of The &4&LNether": if {fireballcd} is true: send "&cOn cooldown!" else: shoot a Fireball from player at speed 1 set {fireballcd} to true wait 5 seconds set {fireballcd} to false
  4. Im trying to stop people from renaming certain things, so how do I run a check to see which item/which name of an item an anvil is renaming?
  5. This sound only plays for the one sending the message, not the one receiving one. I want it so the receiver gets the sound
  6. There is a player ping skript that I've been looking for, but I just cant seem to find it, what the skript does is whenever you type someone's name like for example bob319 and after you've sent the message then it play's a sound for them. Anyone got this?
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