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Everything posted by AustraliaVibes

  1. Hey, i'm working on a new season update for my server, i would like players to have an equal chance so i am wondering how to reset their inventories, enderchests, luckperms permissions, playervaults and make them have a unique join and things similar to that. If you know how to perform this or anything about this please let me know, it would help me out a whole lot!
  2. Hey, i'm an australian server owner that averages around 20 players, usually this number would go up quite alot almost all the way to 50, recently i've noticed my server has been very laggy and unresponsive and i've been getting complaints about it, i've checked and the server usually starts to drop to 15 tps when we hit around 10 players, at 15 players the tps is at 10, once we hit 20-30 players the tps can go from 5-8 tps which makes player's gameplay extremely unplayable, i've done a timing's test here: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=fa4e683dc2c04201bb0a9cc403c7861b I've taken a quick look at this report, however, i'm not a full profesional on minecraft ticks and server processes, all i've taken out of this is that one of the main things bringing down the TPS is CrazyEnchantment's, i'm hoping that i can skript an auto-pickup skript and maybe a blast skript or things like that to replace this. It would be great if anyone could please take a look and tell me what else i can do to fix this or what is causing the lag!
  3. i went to sleep with about 30 people online my server, i wake up to my whole server being erased, i go to check if there are any backups and there are zero backups, i've spent countless days working on this server and usually makes quite a bit of money, now i dont know if this is a file corruption or what but i'm actually pissed about this.
  4. Hey SomeWaffles, i usually don't respond to forums but this ones an easy fix! i had the same problem about 2 weeks ago, i just accessed the CustomEnchants plugin config and removed the remove duplicate items: true
  5. I've recently upgraded to the MH75 daily plan, everything has been running smooth until this morning, i woke up to this error message on my console. I've tried changing the port and everything, i've come to a conclusion that this is minehut's problem and only they can fix it as they are technically 'hosting' the server. [00:45:40 WARN]: **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! [00:45:40 WARN]: The exception was: io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: bind(..) failed: Cannot assign requested address [00:45:40 WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port? This would mean a lot if any staff could help me as I'm running out of days on my server plan and i currently have 70 members pinging me asking why the server is down & when it's going to be up!
  6. as i'm booting my server the server just randomly shutsdowns and gives me this message, [00:45:40 WARN]: **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! [00:45:40 WARN]: The exception was: io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: bind(..) failed: Cannot assign requested address [00:45:40 WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port? I've just woken up and this has never happened before, please help!
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