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About lkrfjhwjkdgijhejkd

  • Birthday 10/08/2008

lkrfjhwjkdgijhejkd's Achievements


Lurker (1/6)



  1. Is it possible to do the opposite? Getting script variables in Placeholders API, instead of this? Also dont go "Oh BuT tHiS iS nEcRoPoStInG!!1!11 MoDs :oOooO" I need an answer. I have been trying for like 5 hours.
  2. there's no plugin called ItemEdit Edit: Found it i think
  3. I made a skript that stops people from dropping diamond swords, but you can still drop diamond swords... Can someone help? on drop: if name of player's held item is "Diamond Sword": cancel event message "&cDrop Canceled &6| &cTo trash this item, do &a/trash&6 | &cTo trade this item, do &a/trade&c!" to player else:
  4. Im having problems with some talismans i made. I want them to activate in my left hand. How do you do this in skript? on player's held item change: if name of player's offhand item is "&8&lMiner &6&lTalisman": console command "effect clear %player%" apply haste 1 without particles to the player for 10 days apply speed 1 without particles to the player for 10 days on player's held item change: if lore of player's offhand item is not "&aTalisman": console command "effect clear %player%"
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