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Everything posted by sgvkljaeriphjrtjns

  1. So I said this on the Minehut Discord Server and no one wanted to help and one was being mean to me i tried telling ppl about the addon cuz i really needed help but no one answered (7 SERVERS NO ONE HELPED LIKEBRUH) its probably because its 3:57 am for me but yea its long but if u know skerepeatedtext just pls fix, my friend helped me and said a fix but it updated then it doesnt work anymore (it just updated) so ya any errors???????? pls its like normal skript just different ```command /server: permission: server.server permission message: &cYou need permission of the permission &6server.server &cto permission of executing the command of the permission that you do not have of the permission. addon: SkerepeatedText usage: &cUsage of the usage: /server trigger: make the server of the server: server ip address of the server is "eventho.minehut.gg" if the server of the ip address that has put on the ip address quotation box thing is a server of the address: send "&cCreating Server..." create server'Maker^tricc create {server'Maker^tricc}'s spawn create {server'Maker^tricc}'s script create {server'Maker^tricc}'s server create all {server'Maker^tricc}'s thing's with the theme that the player has wanted send "&aServer has created!" send all of the player's in the server of the ip address: all the message that has sent to the players of the players that is in the ip address of the server would be "&cThe server has been created by &6%player%&c in &6%time has remained of the remained the time of the time of the server of the ip address%" wait 4 seconds wait 4 seconds wait 4 seconds wait 4 seconds broadcast "&cTeleporting all player's to spawn..." teleport all player's online in the server of the server of the ip address to location where the server'Maker^tricc has created if server'Maker^tricc did not make a spawn location: create spawn location at {server'Maker^tricc}'s building centered teleport all player's online in the server of the server of the ip address to location where the server'Maker^tricc has created the spawn ------------ thing'ie is a thing in skerepeatedtext because ive done it a lot on it and it works (but i use thing too cuz its faster) sooooooooooooooooo help? there are no errors but it still doesnt work, ik it works too cuz last time before the update it was working like it actually made the spawn and made things ready in just 2 minutes so yea... now when i do it, it just says that skerepeatedtext has found errors but it wont tell me, i tried reloading the plugin (it also tells errors that skript doesnt find) but it only said: "player's cannot be teleported because the server of the ip address is not found" LIKE MY SERVER IS LITERALLY THERE LIKE WHYYYYYY AAAAAAAA sry if i broke forum rules idk if they exist JUST HELP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NO NOE HELPS
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