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Posts posted by Fusezion

  1. 9 hours ago, Yodamaster said:

    command /hug <player>:
            if arg-1 is online:
                if {%player%.hugcd} is not set:
                    set {%player%.hugcd} to false
                if {%player%.hugcd} is false:
                    if arg-1 is player:
                        send "&ayou &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&ayourself..." to player
                        play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 100 to player
                        send "&ayou &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&a%player% &aawww how sweat" to player
                        send "&a%player% &5&l&ka&r&d&lHUGGED&5&l&ka &r&ayou what a sweat person" to arg-1
                        play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 100 to player and arg-1
                    set {%player%.hugcd} to true
                    wait 30 seconds
                    set {%player%.hugcd} to false

    Not going to hate after all we all do need hugs but there it a slightly better way to do your cooldown and that's simply

    command /exaple <player>:
    	cooldown: 30 seconds
    	cooldown message: This command is on cooldown for another %remaining% # message and bypass are optional
    	cooldown bypass: skript.admin # message and bypass are optional
    		if arg-1 is player
    			send "Example Message 1"
    			cancel cooldown
    			send "Example Message 2"


  2. 1 minute ago, ENCORE said:

    I got a 3 day mute in the lobby for talking about how MH was better before SLG lol


    Oh great it's a great time to be alive was it by one of the new paid staff or admins? or was it older

  3. Man and I was hoping for a positive outlook -1 what a shame...
    But I guess I won't deny the annoying market adverts on servers every 3 minutes (+1)
    or the fact when we go to lobby we just see them advertising their ranks, credits and market place (+1)
    oh and we can't forget the drama that gets swepted under the rug and brought to light by PLAYERS once
    every couple months with no mention from SLG (+1)

    All in all clearly really great community 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Hykx said:

    its literally just english sentences you are better off learning yourself and using google rather than youtube videos which usually dont teach u anything but to copy

    youtube videos aren't bad but most are outdated now and don't show any propper optimization
    so using sites like minehut.xyz and skript docs isn't bad but also asking for help isn't bad too


  5. 12 hours ago, pop4959 said:

    Looks good, but if I can ask: what issues are you guys currently seeing with Vixio? What features are you looking to use in DiSky that you can't currently do with Vixio?


    Just curious. Anyways, will check this out, thanks. 👍

    DiSky has quite a bit of what vixio is broken in for example we can't use temp variables in vixio anymore due to an issue with it's async

    Disky also adds support for more stuff vixio is missing such as slash commands 
    just from it's lastest release there's already more things vixio had and more things it's added on it's own to
    help people who use discord bots to manage their server

    Vixio is good but it's too outdated and needs to be up to date with the latest discord api like disky
    disky is a re-fork of vixio starting from line 1 it is more effeicent and more friendly for advanced and new skripters to vixio and diky

    Latest Release just in case:


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, defrack said:

    if u have the time i would like a Coke skript (the drug) so like a sugar that is named "Coke" and then gives potion effect one i would like to have on there is nausea and speed for 10 to 15 seconds it would be cool if it removes 1 sugar from the person rightclicking on the sugar thanks. 🙂


    on right click on white dye:
        display name of event-item is "&fCoke"
        remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
        apply (swiftness and nausea) of tier 2 without any particles to player for 12 seconds
    on load:
    	register new furnace recipe for white dye named "&fCoke" using sugar with id "G:Coke" with experience 5 with cook time 10 seconds
    command /givecoke <player=%player%>:
    		give arg-1 white dye named "&fCoke"

    Not sure if it'll work but it should do 

    Required Addons:
    Skript and SkBee

  7. Yeah as @SuperOrcasaid it's best to fidgit with skript alone in your freetime. think of commands in essentials since everything you do in essentials you can do in skript so it's a good thing to keep in mind.

    Learnig how to read syntax on the docs is also good to help skripthub.net/docs/ has most of the stuff in addons and skript. If you want to look further into skript alone tho I'd suggest using skriptlang.github.io/Skript/ as all it's docs are upto date and helps more at least for me since I've noticed skripthub.net/docs/ hasn't had all of skript 2.5 stuff

    then you have what he said about looking at other people's code that is also something that can help anyone even if you aren't new to skript as it shows you more ways to do stuff you've done on repeat forever

    so in short most of what @SuperOrcasaid is correct and will help most

  8. 2 hours ago, Rmdouma said:

    First of all. A thousand times thank you for taking your time to make a script.

    But ive got 2 errors when reloading the skript.

    Any extensions I miss maybe?

    (already have the Holo extension installed)



    I'm a point out issues
    #1 being you didn't use on mine but instead on break
    In any case where you want blocks they actually broke you want to use
    on mine this way it only runs when the player can actually break the block
    for example using on break and breaking stone with your first would count as +1
    but using on mine and breaking stone with your first wouldn't add +1

    #2 this skript requires Skript-Holo for the creation of the holograms and MorkazSk for the sorting from highest to lowest make sure you have it installed

    #3 You run into the issue with this it's due to the fact you've added a ( to the start but not the end of the string areas (which I don't think you even need the () to start with) along with a , at a spot that it isn't needed

    create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}, at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

    all you need to do to fix this is 

    create a new hologram with lines ("&6Leaderboard &e| &fTop %{_name}%", and {top::%{_value}%::*}) at {hololoc} and store it in {leaderboard.holo}

    if this doesn't fix it all then idk what else to say

  9. 21 hours ago, Chloe30k said:

    I wanted to make sure that people with the following; badlion, blazingpack, lunar, and more wouldn't be able to scroll up etc,


    understandable however in many cases it's not worth the increased lag if they want to screenshot a racist message spammed let em

  10. 6 minutes ago, SortaCold said:

    lol ok



    it's true why deal with essentials when you can just make it more custom
    who wants to a crap ton of commands no one uses when you can just make the ones you need

    everything you can do in essentials you can make in skript with the same functionality or more
    it also leave more room for changes then having to make it in the future when you want to change
    something in a command and it's much easier to make a cooldown for a skript command then having to make
    a make makeshift one for essentials

  11. 3 hours ago, SortaCold said:

    i made that skript in 5 minutes and i was just bored. lol i use essentials for my spawn and not skript now

    still just a thing and I'd vote moving away from essentials if you plan to learn skript essentials isn't ever essential

    it's good if you don't know skript but it adds a lot of useless stuff which you can just make in default skript if needed

    with more functionality

  12. So I've noticed I haven't posted on forums since december of last year with my backpack skript which had plenty of positive feedback
    during my time of making that I was also working on a skript 2.5.1 veinminer skript but wasn't too proud of it due to lag causes by large loops and the fact I basically never use commands so using that system I did with a command looks bad so I've spent a bit today reverting back to it's original form of only using ores

    Currently it works with coal ore, iron ore, lapis ore, redstone ore, gold ore, quartz ore, emerald ore and diamond ore I wished it worked with nether gold ore however skript still doesn't seem to count it in the any ore expression

    The skript should be just vanilla skript I don't believe there's any addon usages in this so please let me know what you think or what else I should make all feedback and suggestions help a lot


    	minimal_blocks_mine: 0
    function veinMiner(p: player, loc: location, block: item):
    	if {_p} is sneaking:
    		metadata "veinminer" of {_p} is set
    		loop all blocks in radius 1.43 around {_loc}:
    			loop-block's location is not {_loc}
    			loop-block is {_block}
    			give {_p} (drops of loop-block using {_p}'s tool)
    			set loop-block to air
    			damage {_p}'s tool by 1
    			if metadata "veinminer" of {_p} >= 25:
    				wait 1 tick
    			if metadata "veinminer" of {_p} is set:
    				set metadata "veinminer" of {_p} to (metadata "veinminer" of {_p})+ 1
    			if {_p}'s tool's durability >= {_p}'s tool's maximum durability:
    				clear metadata "veinminer" of {_p}
    			else if {@minimal_blocks_mine} < 1:
    				veinMiner({_p}, loop-block's location, {_block})
    			else if (metadata "veinminer" of {_p}) >= {@minimal_blocks_mine}:
    				clear metadata "veinminer" of {_p}
    				veinMiner({_p}, loop-block's location, {_block})
    		clear metadata "veinminer" of {_p}
    on mine of any ore:
    	player is sneaking
    	set metadata "veinminer" of player to 1
    	veinMiner(player, event-location, event-block)


    Note: I am aware of the issue of it giving double ores at times but there wasn't anything I could do about it since it's an issue with loop blocks

  13. On 4/2/2021 at 9:53 PM, SortaCold said:

    yesssirrr simple skript time. it works so dont get mad plsss


    Click Here to get the skript

    good skript however there are a few areas you could expand on
    such as adding an on respawn into it so player's don't respawn at the wrong location

    on respawn:
    	set respawn location to player's bed location ? {spawn}


  14. It's good speaking it's a first time using functions however you looped it far too much which will end up causing lag with too many players on I believe the minimum is like 180 or something so normally using 200 or 300 times is just fine


    and since I know this is your first time using functions I won't say it's useless however it is best to just loop and then broadcast this way there aren't any chances of the broadcast being sent before the last broadcast ""


    along with that the function being ClearChat(p: player) isn't really needed since you aren't using the vairable just using ClearChat() is fine

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