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Everything posted by Narwhal_251

  1. How do you get hex colors in the motd. I've seen other servers do this so I know it's possible
  2. so I have a skript: command /chicken: trigger: spawn 16 chicken at player's location set name of spawned entity to "&f%player%'s Chicken" but it only names 1 of the 16 chickens, how would I name all of them?
  3. I want it so when a chicken dies in lava it adds 15 to the player's chick worth
  4. on death: if victim is chicken: if cause of death is lava: add 15 to {chickworth::%player's uuid%} It says can't understand this "if cause of death is lava" also I don't think that will work because if you put attacker's uuid then it will give the lava 15 chickworth
  5. on death: if victim is chicken: if cause of death is lava: add 15 to {chickworth::%player's uuid%} but it doesn't add 15 to chickworth I know it's not supposed to be player's uuid but idk what to put there
  6. nvm I found out it was clear caught entity
  7. Hey, I want to clear the drops when someone is fishing! So when someone fishes a fish it doesn't drop a fish or item
  8. Hey so I wanna drop a custom player skull! I have: drop 1 of skull of player with custom nbt "{display:{Name:""Lime Arrow Right""},SkullOwner:{Id:""23b3f9dc-f02c-4ea8-a949-dbd56b03602c"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGVmMzU2YWQyYWE3YjE2NzhhZWNiODgyOTBlNWZhNWEzNDI3ZTVlNDU2ZmY0MmZiNTE1NjkwYzY3NTE3YjgifX19""}]}}}" above {gens::%uuid of loop-player%::coalore::*} It doesn't work Error message:
  9. when the rain hits the block if you can't do that then when it rains
  10. Is there anyway I could make it so when it rains a block changes example the block is a diamond block but when it rains it turns to a emerald block please help!!!!
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