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Everything posted by RiverOfGold

  1. I was watching a skript gui tutorial and made this skript: command /gui: permission: op permission message: "&4You can't do this!" trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&4GUI" to player format gui slot 11 of player with grass block named "&2Survival" with lore "&6Change gamemode to:" and "&6Survival" It looks exactly like how it does in the video but when i reload it it says it was successful but if I do /gui it says unknown command.
  2. I've been looking for a plugin or skript that will give players item for being in like an afk pit/room/area like they have in some servers. If anyone could send a skript or plugin link for something like that it would be nice!
  3. I found out what I needed to change: in the options at the beggining it said False and not false like on line 42 so i changed it to false and there were no errors, thanks anyway though!
  4. options: Prefix: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l] CT-Time: 10 MobsCombat-Tag: False command /combattag: aliases: /combatlog,/ct,/cl trigger: if {combatlog::*} contains player: set {_CT.span} to difference between {%player%.combatlog.time} and now set {_CT.cd} to "{@CT-Time} seconds" parsed as timespan send "{@Prefix} &fYou are Combat Tag for &e%difference between {_CT.span} and {_CT.cd}%" else: send "{@Prefix} &fYou are not in Combat Tag" on unload: delete {combatlog::*} delete {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} delete {kill.combat::*} on load: add "tpa" to {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} add "home" to {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} add "spawn" to {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} add "fly" to {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} on damage: if attacker is player: if attacker is not victim: if {combatlog::*} doesn't contain "%attacker%": if attacker doesn't have permission "CT.Bypass.Player": add "%attacker%" to {combatlog::*} send "{@Prefix} &fYou are &cCombat Tag &fwith &e%victim%" to attacker console command "/fly %attacker% disable" if {combatlog::*} doesn't contain "%victim%": if victim doesn't have permission "CT.Bypass.Player": add "%victim%" to {combatlog::*} send "{@Prefix} &fYou are &cCombat Tag &fwith &e%attacker%" to victim console command "/fly %victim% disable" set {%attacker%.combatlog.time} to now set {%victim%.combatlog.time} to now else: if {@MobsCombat-Tag} is true: if attacker doesn't have permission "CT.Bypass.Mobs": if {combatlog::*} doesn't contain "%attacker%": add "%attacker%" to {combatlog::*} send "{@Prefix} &fYou are &cCombat Tag &fwith &e%victim%" to attacker console command "/fly %attacker% disable" on command: if {combatlog::*} contains player: if {combatlag.blocked-cmds::*} contains command: cancel event send "{@Prefix} &fYou can't use that command while in &cCombat Tag" to player on join: if {kill.combat::*} contains player: wait 1 second console command "/kill %player%" remove player from {kill.combat::*} on quit: if {combatlog::*} contains player: loop player's inventory: drop loop-value clear player's inventory add player to {kill.combat::*} remove player from {combatlog::*} on death of player: if {combatlog::*} contains player: remove player from {combatlog::*} every 1 second: loop {combatlog::*}: set {_combatlog.gettime} to difference between {%loop-value%.combatlog.time} and now if {_combatlog.gettime} > {@CT-Time} seconds: remove loop-value from {combatlog::*} send "{@Prefix} &fYou are no longer in &cCombat Tag" to loop-value parsed as player
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