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Everything posted by FatPiou

  1. Hi, Right now I am unable to join minehut or any minehut server for that matter. I have tried joining on both of my alt accounts, relaunching, signing in again, and none work. Before that, chat commands like /lobby, or simply just server-specific commands like /enderchest were very delayed for some reason. Are you guys having this problem too? It looks like this (pvplegacy is the control). One is a specific server ip and the other is just plain old mc.minehut.com. Please help!
  2. hi! I was wondering if there is a protection cap in servers. I play on a couple of popular box servers (ik, ik, cringe), and have spent a bunch of time getting good armor and stuff. However, the other day, there were some players who seemed to take the same damage as me even though their armor was half as good as mine. (i have prot 22, they had prot 10). They told me that on minehut servers, you can't go past protection 10. Is this true? I don't know what plugin they use. Here's a screenshot of my armor. Of course, I have p22 helm, boots, and elytra. Sharpness obviously works the higher you go, but does protection have a cap? Thanks in advance!
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