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Everything posted by SansYT

  1. One of my region files (specifically r.-1.0.mca) for some reason just disappeared. When I get on the server, I found that in it's place is a new region file, full of 1.18.1 chunks (the server's on 1.18.1 but spawn was loaded in 1.17 so it's obvious where it cuts off). I thought "No problem, I can just delete the 'corrupted' region file and replace it with a copy I happen to have." I do just that, but it won't work. I stop the server, delete the file, put the new one in (which I know is the right one because I downloaded it from a backup server with it working), and start it again. Basically, when that happens, the region folder has r.-1.0.mca, but it also has a new folder: r.-1.0.mca.[random string of numbers].backup. I try again, stopping the server and deleting both of those, put r.-1.0.mca in, starting it, the same thing happens. My hypothesis for what's happening is that the server is ignoring my newly placed file, auto-generating a "backup" which is defaulted to the 1.18.1 landscape mentioned earlier, and using that one instead. I'm assuming it's named differently because no two files can have the same name. Regardless, I still don't know why it's doing this. Please help.
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