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  1. oh shoot i thought you replied with a skript but it was my quote i didnt see your message thanks
  2. Hey, thanks for your response. The Script didn't work. Is there any addons I need for it to work?
  3. Here's a script. execute the commands "/lp group <group> chatmute.bypass" with <group> replaced with each one of your ranks you'd like to be able to bypass the mute. /mutechat is used to enable and disable the mute. command /mutechat: permission: chatmute permission message: &c You don't have the required permission to perform that command. trigger: if {Globalchat} is not set: set {Globalchat} to true send "&cChat Has Been Muted By %player%" to all players stop trigger if {Globalchat} is set: clear {Globalchat} send "&aChat Has Been Unmuted By %player%" to all players on chat: if {Globalchat} is true: if player has permission "chatmute.bypass": stop trigger else: cancel event send "&cChat is currently muted."
  4. Here is my script: command /disenchant: permission: command.disenchant trigger: if player's held item is enchanted: set {_tool} to player's held item set {_enchants::*} to enchantments of {_tool} send "&aSucessfully removed %{_enchants::*}% from tool!" to player disenchant player's held item give player enchanted book with custom nbt "{StoredEnchantments:%{_enchants::*}%}" else: send "&cYour item is not enchanted." Whenever I reload the script everything works but the give effect statement. I've tried looking it up but couldn't find anything. My server is on 1.16.5 and I have SkRayFall, SkStuff, TuSKe, and SkQuery.
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