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Everything posted by DerpNinja100

  1. How do you get a custom IP for your server?

    1. Yodexx


      It's a complicated process.. I'd recommend watching this tutorial from Minehut: 

      If you are using WHM CPanel for your hosting software, let me know.. it's a lot more complicated process

  2. Why are gens servers so popular anyway?
  3. So yeah I was wondering if you can use bungeecord on Minehut because on a vid I saw Trent said they would add a thing called server networks is that the same thing?
  4. Is it the same with natcho spigot if so what should I use spigot or natcho spigot
  5. Im gonna make a forge modded server for me and my Buds but forge is called sponge forge what is that?
  6. Maybe you put the zip into the file manager then use file.io or drop box and do the /ul
  7. DerpNinja100

    Upload Server

    Oh that is a glitch I’ve had it before just refresh your page
  8. I don’t know the /dl is gone
  9. Hi world upload on servers just does not work because/dl no longer works. but /ul still works but because the /dl no longer works I can upload anything. Minehut needs to make a new video on world upload and my world is 1.7MB is that to big if so can you show me how to make it less MG. THXS FOR YOUR HELP!
  10. Anyone know how to upload maps i did the (2).zip and it worked but when i left i did not work and the file stoped working anyone know what happend?

    Minehut needs to make a new vid on how to do it.

  11. i did the (2).zip and it worked but when i quit the server it was no longer there and it does not work any Minehut needs to make a new tutorial on the new way on how to upload worlds!
  12. Can you link me the part that you found on the Wiki please?
  13. It did not work it said sorry an error accord and i restarted the server and installed Multiverse
  14. How do you Upload Maps in the Newest format?
  15. Hi my Name is DerpNinja100 but you can call me Derp or JD. I like Minecraft servers Such as Hypixel and Minehut!
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