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Posts posted by Anonymous192

  1. Servers are currently not down for maintenance. You might be having trouble connecting to the lobby. We will also let the community know on forums and discords and give you updates for any future maintenance. 

  2. It sends you to the hub because your server is offline. Your server goes offline when there are no players online for 5 mins. In the hub you can do /join <server name> which will start your server up and send you to your server. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Here is a guide to Whitelist your server so no one else can join


    Whitelisting is a way to allow specific players to join your Minehut server.

    /whitelist on - Turns the Whitelist on
    /whitelist off - Turns the Whitelist off
    /whitelist add <username> - Adds a user to the Whitelist
    /whitelist remove <username> - Removes a user from the Whitelist

    NOTE Players with OP bypass whitelist restrictions

    • Thanks 2
  4. Here is another guide on ranks for PermissionsEX

    Ranks with PermissionsEX

    Ensure that you have Vault and Essentials Chat as well as PermissionsEX installed first.

    To create ranks you will need the permissions.* permission, to get this go to console and type /pex user (your name) add permissions.*

    Once you have that permission you can begin to make ranks, start by executing the command /pex group (rank) create to create the rank.

    Then to add a permission do /pex group (rank) add (permission node)

    To remove the permission do /pex group (rank) remove (permission node)

    To add a prefix/suffix to the rank do /pex group (rank) prefix/suffix set “(prefix or suffix)”

    To add a player to the rank type /pex user (user) group set (rank)

    NOTE: For permission nodes you can often find them by typing in (plugin) permission nodes into google

    • Thanks 1
  5. To give yourself permissions you will have to be a OP. Here is a guide to OP yourself down below. 


    OP is a person who has most of the general commands on a server.

    You can
    op yourself by typing /op (your username) on the website in “Server Commands.”

    You can also watch this tutorial - 


    • Thanks 1
  6. Hey

    First of all if you don't know the unban command it is '/pardon <player name>' from the dashboard. To stop them from banning you can ban the people  by doing '/ban <player name>' or removing their permissions '/deop <player name> if you don't remember their names look in the server logs. About the command that is killing you if it is a command block then you can disable command blocks by going onto settings on the website. 

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