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ContaPVP Club

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    • So I was on my server with 5 friends, and then we decided to play something else. When I came back, it was like... weird. So I restarted it, now it's just stuck on "Starting". Ok I'm pretty sure it's some type of thing to do with the chunks loading and a Async error with the plugin Skript. But I'm not sure how to fix it. [23:13:12] [Server thread/ERROR]: Nag author(s): '[Njol, Mirreski, SkriptLang Team, Contributors]' of 'Skript v2.8.6' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being shut down. This task may throw errors during the final shutdown logs and might not complete before process dies. Skript is having some type of error with it I think.


      Edited by Emmett1027h
    • Whenever I try to join, I get a timeout error. On restart, the console says this: Encountered cloudflare rate limit! Retry-After: 1703 s.

    • In order to change your servers name, go to our website - app.minehut.com -> once you go to our website and log in, Go to "My Servers" - then start the server you wish to change the name of. once the server  starts, there should be a little pencil icon beside the name of it within the dashboard, you are free to click on that and change it from there!

      Note that you cannot change the Minehut.gg at the end, you can only change the name of the server. As well as please do not 

      Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thank you!

    • How do you find the apperance tab?



    • this version well allow you to say all words that are in your keyboard but still cant say [
      on chat:
       player isn't op
       message does not match "[&a-zA-Z0-9&?!@#$^*+\\_=~`':;/()|{}<>.,☠%%""-- ]*$" or "]"
       cancel event
       send "&c&lyou cannot say &4&l%message%"

      Edited by gabinun
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