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Open Club  ·  2 members



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Competitive team-based Minecraft PvP server.

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    • I wasn't so sure what topic to put this in so I put it in skript cause I feel like a skript can maybe do what I am asking for. How can I show players hearts as a number and not the ACTUAL hearts showing in tab with the tab plugin. I've looked everywhere and i can't figure out how to do it what the tab plugin. Can someone help?

    • i have a auto compressor script that doesnt work and need help fixing it so that it is easier to use and is also easier to add more onto it, would be great if someone did this! 

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

    • i did that and the code worked, but not as intended, i was wondering if anyone could fix this code so that all i need to do is get a compass name it and when it is in offhand it will compress every block in the game (that i choose), if anyone can fix this code and make it so i can just copy and paste it multiple times to add the new blocks and just have to change the block names etc -

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

      Edited by Lezyfr
    • 1. Go to your servers file directory, and open the plugins folder 
      2. Locate and open the skript folder
      3. Open the "Scripts" folder that is within the skript folder
      4. Create a new file and name it anything with you want, however add a .sk to the name. (example.sk) - then click save
      5. Open the newly created .sk file, and begin skripting!

      Once done, type /sk reload example.sk to apply the changes, as well as it will tell you if there is any errors.

    • this is the code - 

      on script load:
          set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "<##3C3005>&lc<##403206>&lo<##443406>&lm<##483607>&lp<##4B3808>&lr<##4F3A09>&le<##533C09>&ls<##573E0A>&ls<##5B3F0B>&le<##5F410B>&ld<##63430C>&l <##66450D>&lw<##6A470E>&lo<##6E490E>&lo<##724B0F>&ld"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 16 oak log:
                  remove 16 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

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