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Chat Reaction Game


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Basically a game where a phrase is randomly chosen from the reaction list and then each word is scrambled and the players have to guess the correct unscrambled phrase within a time limit. You need to add phrases yourself as the list starts with nothing.

Commands (permission required = skript.chatreaction):

/chatreaction add [phrase] - adds a new phrase
/chatreaction remove [phrase] - removes an existing phrase
/chatreaction list - lists all current phrases
/chatreaction time [seconds] - sets the time limit of the game, range is 1-60 seconds


    prefix: &7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯

on load:
    delete {chatReaction}
    delete {chatReactionTime}

command /chatreaction [<string>] [<string>]:
        if player has permission "skript.chatreaction":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1 is "add":
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if {chatReaction::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
                            add arg 2 to {chatReaction::*}
                            send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been added to chat reactions!"
                            send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 2% &fis already a chat reaction!"
                        send "{@prefix} Enter a chat reaction to add!"
                else if arg 1 is "remove":
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if {chatReaction::*} contains arg 2:
                            remove arg 2 from {chatReaction::*}
                            send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been removed from chat reactions!"
                            send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 2% &fisn't a chat reaction!"
                        send "{@prefix} Enter a chat reaction to add!"
                else if arg 1 is "list":
                    loop {chatReaction::*}:
                        send "&f%loop-iteration%: &e%loop-value%"
                else if arg 1 is "time":
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as integer
                        if {_time} is set:
                            if {_time} <= 60:
                                if {_time} > 0:
                                    set {chatReactionTimeLimit} to {_time}
                                    send "{@prefix} Chat reaction time limit is now &e&l%{_time}%&f seconds!"
                                    send "{@prefix} Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
                                send "{@prefix} Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
                            send "{@prefix} That is not a valid time limit (in seconds)!"
                        send "{@prefix} Enter a time limit in seconds!"
                    send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""
                send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""

every 10 minutes:
    set {_size} to size of {chatReaction::*}
    set {_i} to random integer between 1 and {_size}
    set {chatReaction} to {chatReaction::%{_i}%}
    set {_reaction::*} to split "%{chatReaction}%" at " "
    loop {_reaction::*}:
        set {_x} to 1
        loop (length of loop-value) times:
            add (character at {_x} in "%loop-value-1%") to {_chars::*}
            add 1 to {_x}
        loop (size of {_chars::*}) times:
            set {_char} to random element out of {_chars::*}
            remove {_char} from {_chars::*}
            add "%{_char}%" to {_joinString::*}
        set {_word} to join {_joinString::*} by "" in lowercase
        add "%{_word}%" to {_words::*}
        delete {_joinString::*}
    set {_reaction} to join {_words::*} by " "
    broadcast "{@prefix} Unscramble &e&l%{_reaction}% &fwithin %{chatReactionTimeLimit}% seconds for a reward!"
    set {_loop} to {chatReactionTimeLimit} * 20
    loop {_loop} times:
        if {chatReaction} is set:
            wait 1 tick
            add 0.05 to {chatReactionTime}
            exit loop
    if {chatReaction} is set:
        broadcast "{@prefix} No one was able to unscramble &e&l%{chatReaction}% &f:("
        delete {chatReaction}
        delete {chatReactionTime}

on chat:
    if {chatReaction} is set:
        if message contain "%{chatReaction}%":
            broadcast "{@prefix} &e&l%player% &funscrambled &e&l%{chatReaction}% &fin &e&l%{chatReactionTime}% &fseconds!"
            # add prize here

            delete {chatReaction}
            delete {chatReactionTime}


Edited by Dead07

Discord: dead_is4

Anime Enthusiast!

Solo Leveling GIF - Solo Leveling - Discover & Share GIFs

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on load:
 delete {chatReaction}
 delete {chatReactionTime}
command chatreaction [<string>] [<string>]:
  player has permission "skript.chatreaction":
   arg 1 is set:
    arg 1 is "add":
     arg 2 is set:
      {chatReaction::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
       add arg 2 to {chatReaction::*}
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been added to chat reactions!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fis already a chat reaction!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!"
    else if arg 1 is "remove":
     arg 2 is set:
      {chatReaction::*} contains arg 2:
       remove arg 2 from {chatReaction::*}
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been removed from chat reactions!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fisn't a chat reaction!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!"
    else if arg 1 is "list":
     loop {chatReaction::*}:
      send "&f%loop-iteration%: &e%loop-value%"
    else if arg 1 is "time":
     if arg 2 is set:
      set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as integer
      {_time} is set:
       {_time} <= 60:
        {_time} > 0:
         set {chatReactionTimeLimit} to {_time}
         send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Chat reaction time limit is now &e&l%{_time}%&f seconds!"
         send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
        send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ That is not a valid time limit (in seconds)!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a time limit in seconds!"
     send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""
    send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""
every 10 minutes:
 set {_size} to size of {chatReaction::*}
 set {_i} to random integer between 1 and {_size}
 set {chatReaction} to {chatReaction::%{_i}%}
 set {_reaction::*} to split "%{chatReaction}%" at " "
 loop {_reaction::*}:
  set {_x} to 1
  loop (length of loop-value) times:
   add (character at {_x} in "%loop-value-1%") to {_chars::*}
   add 1 to {_x}
  loop (size of {_chars::*}) times:
   set {_char} to random element out of {_chars::*}
   remove {_char} from {_chars::*}
   add "%{_char}%" to {_joinString::*}
  set {_word} to join {_joinString::*} by "" in lowercase
  add "%{_word}%" to {_words::*}
  delete {_joinString::*}
 set {_reaction} to join {_words::*} by " "
 broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Unscramble &e&l%{_reaction}% &fwithin %{chatReactionTimeLimit}% seconds for a reward!"
 set {_loop} to {chatReactionTimeLimit} * 20
 loop {_loop} times:
  {chatReaction} is set:
   wait 1 tick
   add 0.05 to {chatReactionTime}
   exit loop
 {chatReaction} is set:
  broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ No one was able to unscramble &e&l%{chatReaction}% &f:("
  delete {chatReaction}
  delete {chatReactionTime}
on chat:
 {chatReaction} is set
 message contain "%{chatReaction}%"
 broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%player% &funscrambled &e&l%{chatReaction}% &fin &e&l%{chatReactionTime}% &fseconds!"
 delete {chatReaction}
 elete {chatReactionTime}

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18 hours ago, gabinun said:

on load:
 delete {chatReaction}
 delete {chatReactionTime}
command chatreaction [<string>] [<string>]:
  player has permission "skript.chatreaction":
   arg 1 is set:
    arg 1 is "add":
     arg 2 is set:
      {chatReaction::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
       add arg 2 to {chatReaction::*}
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been added to chat reactions!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fis already a chat reaction!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!"
    else if arg 1 is "remove":
     arg 2 is set:
      {chatReaction::*} contains arg 2:
       remove arg 2 from {chatReaction::*}
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fhas been removed from chat reactions!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%arg 2% &fisn't a chat reaction!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a chat reaction to add!"
    else if arg 1 is "list":
     loop {chatReaction::*}:
      send "&f%loop-iteration%: &e%loop-value%"
    else if arg 1 is "time":
     if arg 2 is set:
      set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as integer
      {_time} is set:
       {_time} <= 60:
        {_time} > 0:
         set {chatReactionTimeLimit} to {_time}
         send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Chat reaction time limit is now &e&l%{_time}%&f seconds!"
         send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
        send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Valid time limit range is 1-60 seconds!"
       send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ That is not a valid time limit (in seconds)!"
      send "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Enter a time limit in seconds!"
     send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""
    send "", "&e/chatreaction add [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction remove [phrase]", "", "&e/chatreaction list &f- list all phrases", "", "&e/chatreaction time [seconds] &f- set time limit of game" and ""
every 10 minutes:
 set {_size} to size of {chatReaction::*}
 set {_i} to random integer between 1 and {_size}
 set {chatReaction} to {chatReaction::%{_i}%}
 set {_reaction::*} to split "%{chatReaction}%" at " "
 loop {_reaction::*}:
  set {_x} to 1
  loop (length of loop-value) times:
   add (character at {_x} in "%loop-value-1%") to {_chars::*}
   add 1 to {_x}
  loop (size of {_chars::*}) times:
   set {_char} to random element out of {_chars::*}
   remove {_char} from {_chars::*}
   add "%{_char}%" to {_joinString::*}
  set {_word} to join {_joinString::*} by "" in lowercase
  add "%{_word}%" to {_words::*}
  delete {_joinString::*}
 set {_reaction} to join {_words::*} by " "
 broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ Unscramble &e&l%{_reaction}% &fwithin %{chatReactionTimeLimit}% seconds for a reward!"
 set {_loop} to {chatReactionTimeLimit} * 20
 loop {_loop} times:
  {chatReaction} is set:
   wait 1 tick
   add 0.05 to {chatReactionTime}
   exit loop
 {chatReaction} is set:
  broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ No one was able to unscramble &e&l%{chatReaction}% &f:("
  delete {chatReaction}
  delete {chatReactionTime}
on chat:
 {chatReaction} is set
 message contain "%{chatReaction}%"
 broadcast "&7[&9&lGAME&7] &f➯ &e&l%player% &funscrambled &e&l%{chatReaction}% &fin &e&l%{chatReactionTime}% &fseconds!"
 delete {chatReaction}
 elete {chatReactionTime}

why did you just copy and paste what I sent but with spaces instead of tabs lol

Discord: dead_is4

Anime Enthusiast!

Solo Leveling GIF - Solo Leveling - Discover & Share GIFs

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