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Creating a server using only using conmands


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There are alot of commands in minecraft, but here are some that could come in handy. execute if entity @e[distance=..10] run gamemode adventure @e[gamemode=survival,distance=..10] you can use this to make it to where any player withing the distance set, will get set to adventure, execute if entity @e[distance=12..15] run gamemode survival @e[gamemode=adventure,distance=12..15] and this one makes it to where when they leave the set distance, they go back into survival. there are a few cool ones I will go over.

/disposal (Opens a trash menu), /ec or echest (opens user's enderchest), /disguise [Player] (Turns your nametag and skin to targeted player).

If you want to make ranks without luckperms you can do, /team create [Team Name]. then /team modify [Team Name]. you can do color, name, and more. for the name, go to MCstacker and click on the tellraw option. then scroll down and insert text into the text box to get the text in command form to put in the team modify, in game. then you can do /team join [Team Name] [Player], To put that player in the team.

If you want to make a Mine, (For a box server) you can set a repeating command to fill an area with said block.

instead of worldedit, you can use /fill, and if you are un familiar with this command you can look up a tutorial.

If you would like to know any alternative commands to modded commands let me know and I can help! I'm great with commands and would love to help you make a server that only uses them! Hope this helped!

Edited by funyy6666
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