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need help with auto compressor script!


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i have a auto compressor script that doesnt work and need help fixing it so that it is easier to use and is also easier to add more onto it, would be great if someone did this! 

on script load:
    while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
        set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
every 1 ticks:
    loop players:
        if loop-player has 32 oak log:
            remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
            give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

on script load:
    while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
        set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
every 1 ticks:
    loop players:
        if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
            remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
            give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

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