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Disable netherite stuff (Made by crafty code ai)


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on load:
    disable netherite tools and armor

on damage:
    if player's tool is netherite sword or player's tool is netherite axe or player's tool is netherite pickaxe or player's tool is netherite shovel or player's tool is netherite hoe:
        cancel event
        send "&cYou cannot use netherite tools!" to player

on inventory click:
    if clicked item is netherite sword or clicked item is netherite axe or clicked item is netherite pickaxe or clicked item is netherite shovel or clicked item is netherite hoe or clicked item is netherite helmet or clicked item is netherite chestplate or clicked item is netherite leggings or clicked item is netherite boots:
        cancel event
        send "&cYou cannot use or take netherite items!" to player

Crafty Code AI: Create minecraft skripts and plugins in a simple message!

The best part is that its 100% free!

Heres an example of a simple broadcast skript it made:

command /broadcast <text>:
    description: Broadcasts a message to all players.
    usage: /broadcast <message>
    permission: broadcast.use
        broadcast "&6[Broadcast] &e%arg-1%
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