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Moderation Menu (Made entirely by crafty code ai!)


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    gui-title: "&cModeration GUI"
    ban-button: "&4Ban Player"
    kick-button: "&eKick Player"
    unban-button: "&aUnban Player"

on right click:
    if player's tool is air:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named {@gui-title}
        format slot 11 of player with paper named {@ban-button} to run:
            send "Select a player to ban." to player
            # Add your player selection logic here

        format slot 13 of player with yellow leather named {@kick-button} to run:
            send "Select a player to kick." to player
            # Add your player selection logic here

        format slot 15 of player with green leather named {@unban-button} to run:
            send "Select a player to unban." to player
            # Add your player selection logic here

# Ban player function
command /ban <offlineplayer>:
        if {_ban::%arg-1%} is not set:
            set {_ban::%arg-1%} to true
            send "&4You have banned %arg-1%." to player
            # Additional actions such as notifying the player

            send "&c%arg-1% is already banned!" to player

# Kick player function
command /kick <offlineplayer>:
        if arg-1 is online:
            kick arg-1 due to "You have been kicked."
            send "&eYou kicked %arg-1%." to player
            send "&c%arg-1% is not online!" to player

# Unban player function
command /unban <offlineplayer>:
        if {_ban::%arg-1%} is set:
            delete {_ban::%arg-1%}
            send "&aYou have unbanned %arg-1%." to player
            send "&c%arg-1% is not banned!" to player

# Check if player is banned
on player join:
    if {_ban::%player%} is set:
        kick player due to "You are banned from this server."

Crafty Code AI: Create minecraft skripts and plugins in a simple message!

The best part is that its 100% free!

Heres an example of a simple broadcast skript it made:

command /broadcast <text>:
    description: Broadcasts a message to all players.
    usage: /broadcast <message>
    permission: broadcast.use
        broadcast "&6[Broadcast] &e%arg-1%
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