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i need help makeing this script


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Made by crafty code ai

command /reach <number>:
    permission: reach.use
        set {_reach} to arg-1
        if {_reach} is not set:
            send "Please specify a reach distance."
        if {_reach} is not between 1 and 10:
            send "Reach distance must be between 1 and 10."
        set player's reach to {_reach}
        send "Your reach distance has been set to %{_reach}%."

Crafty Code AI: Create minecraft skripts and plugins in a simple message!

The best part is that its 100% free!

Heres an example of a simple broadcast skript it made:

command /broadcast <text>:
    description: Broadcasts a message to all players.
    usage: /broadcast <message>
    permission: broadcast.use
        broadcast "&6[Broadcast] &e%arg-1%
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