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Auto Compressers Minehut Skript! HELP



I want to make auto compressers (Working) But idk how ive been trying skripting for so long it just always bugged, Auto Compressors for box servers , for example if u get 32 wood in your inventory it gives you a enchanted wood named compressed wood and takes the 32 wood. and it should only work if ur hold the auto comp in your offhand.

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the script for auto compressors is.

    prefix: &2Auto&aCompress
    timeorpickup: 1
    time: 1 second
    autopermission: autocomp.use
    permissionmessage: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
    getautopermission: staff.getautocomp
    ## timeorpickup: Set to 1 for the check to occur every {@time}, and set to 2 to check on every pickup (may not work with auto pickup)

command /autocompress [<text>]:
    permission: {@autopermission}
    permission message: {@permissionmessage}
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "on":
                set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to true
                send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &etrue&a."
                if arg-1 is "off":
                    set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to false
                    send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &efalse&a."
                    if arg-1 is "check":
                        if {autopickup::%player's uuid%} is not true:
                            send "{@prefix} &aYou currently have automatic compressions set to &efalse&a."
                            send "{@prefix} &aYou currently have automatic compressions set to &etrue&a."
                        if arg-1 is "toggle":
                            if {autopickup::%player's uuid%} is true:
                                set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to false
                                send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &efalse&a."
                            if {autopickup::%player's uuid%} is not true:
                                set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to true
                                send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &etrue&a."
                            send "&cInvalid usage. Correct usage: &b/autocompress [on | off | toggle | check]"
            if {autopickup::%player's uuid%} is true:
                set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to false
                send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &efalse&a."
            if {autopickup::%player's uuid%} is not true:
                set {autopickup::%player's uuid%} to true
                send "{@prefix} &aSet automatic compressions to &etrue&a."

command /getautocompressor [<text>]:
    permission: {@getautopermission}
    permission message: {@permissionmessage}
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "oak" or "wood":
                give player 1 oak wood named "&aAuto Wood Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses oak logs!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Wood Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "stone":
                give player 1 smooth stone named "&aAuto Stone Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses stone!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Stone Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "coal":
                give player 1 coal block named "&aAuto Coal Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses coal ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Coal Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "iron":
                give player 1 iron block named "&aAuto Iron Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses iron ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Iron Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "copper":
                give player 1 copper block named "&aAuto Copper Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses copper ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Copper Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "gold":
                give player 1 gold block named "&aAuto Gold Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses gold ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Gold Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "diamond":
                give player 1 diamond block named "&aAuto Diamond Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses diamond ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Diamond Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "emerald":
                give player 1 emerald block named "&aAuto Emerald Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses emearld ore!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Emerald Compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is "super" or "auto":
                give player 1 netherite block named "&aAuto Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses everything compressable!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received an &eAuto Compressor&a! &8(Automatically compresses everything compressable)"
            if arg-1 is "all" or "everything":
                give player 1 oak wood named "&aAuto Wood Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses oak logs!"
                give player 1 smooth stone named "&aAuto Stone Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses stone!"
                give player 1 coal block named "&aAuto Coal Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses coal ore!"
                give player 1 iron block named "&aAuto Iron Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses iron ore!"
                give player 1 copper block named "&aAuto Copper Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses copper ore!"
                give player 1 gold block named "&aAuto Gold Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses gold ore!"
                give player 1 diamond block named "&aAuto Diamond Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses diamond ore!"
                give player 1 emerald block named "&aAuto Emerald Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses emearld ore!"
                give player 1 netherite block named "&aAuto Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses everything compressable!"
                send "{@prefix} &aYou have received &eevery auto compressor&a!"
            if arg-1 is not "oak" or "wood" or "stone" or "coal" or "iron" or "copper" or "gold" or "diamond" or "emerald" or "super" or "auto" or "all" or "everything":
                send "&cInvalid compressor name. Valid compressors: &b/getautocompressor [oak/wood | stone | coal | iron | copper | gold | diamond | emerald | super/auto | all/everything]"
            send "&cInvalid usage. Correct usage: &b/getautocompressor [oak/wood | stone | coal | iron | copper | gold | diamond | emerald | super/auto | all/everything]"

every {@time}:
    if {@timeorpickup} is 1:

on pickup:
    if {@timeorpickup} is 2:

function autoCompress():
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's offhand is oak wood named "&aAuto Wood Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses oak logs!":
            if loop-player has 64 oak logs:
                set {_amount} to number of oak logs in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of oak logs from loop-player's inventory
                    give {_amount} of oak wood named "&aCompressed Oak Log" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is smooth stone named "&aAuto Stone Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses stone!":
            if loop-player has 64 stone:
                set {_amount} to number of stone in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of stone from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of smooth stone named "&aCompressed Stone" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is coal block named "&aAuto Coal Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses coal ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 coal ore:
                set {_amount} to number of coal ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of coal ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of coal block named "&aCompressed Coal" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is iron block named "&aAuto Iron Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses iron ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 iron ore:
                set {_amount} to number of iron ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of iron ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of iron block named "&aCompressed Iron" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is copper block named "&aAuto Copper Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses copper ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 copper ore:
                set {_amount} to number of copper ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of copper ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of copper block named "&aCompressed Copper" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is gold block named "&aAuto Gold Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses gold ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 gold ore:
                set {_amount} to number of gold ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of gold ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of gold block named "&aCompressed Gold" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is diamond block named "&aAuto Diamond Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses diamond ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 diamond ore:
                set {_amount} to number of diamond ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of diamond ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of diamond block named "&aCompressed Diamond" to loop-player
        if loop-player's offhand is emerald block named "&aAuto Emerald Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses emerald ore!":
            if loop-player has 64 emerald ore:
                set {_amount} to number of emerald ore in loop-player's inventory
                set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                loop {_amount} times:
                    remove ({_amount} * 64) of emerald ore from loop-player's inventory    
                    give {_amount} of emerald block named "&aCompressed Emerald" to loop-player

        if loop-player's offhand is netherite block named "&aAuto Compressor" with lore "&7Automatically compresses everything compressable!":
            set {_compressable::*} to oak log, stone, coal ore, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, diamond ore, and emerald ore
            loop {_compressable::*}:
                if loop-player has 64 of loop-value-2:
                    set {_amount} to number of loop-value-2 in loop-player's inventory
                    set {_amount} to {_amount} / 64
                    set {_amount} to floor({_amount})
                    loop {_amount} times:
                        remove ({_amount} * 64) of loop-value-2 from loop-player's inventory
                        if loop-value-2 is oak log:
                            give {_amount} of oak wood named "&aCompressed Oak Log" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is stone:
                            give {_amount} of smooth stone named "&aCompressed Stone" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is coal ore:
                            give {_amount} of coal block named "&aCompressed Coal" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is iron ore:
                            give {_amount} of iron block named "&aCompressed Iron" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is copper ore:
                            give {_amount} of copper block named "&aCompressed Copper" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is gold ore:
                            give {_amount} of gold block named "&aCompressed Gold" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is diamond ore:
                            give {_amount} of diamond block named "&aCompressed Diamond" to loop-player
                        if loop-value-2 is emerald ore:
                            give {_amount} of emerald block named "&aCompressed Emerald" to loop-player

you can copy and paste it, well i think that's the script

Edited by fireberry
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