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Afk pool reward system



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8 minutes ago, refraction said:

Im thinking of adding one of those afk rooms in my minecraft server that gives players a special item after 10 minutes or so. Anyone know an easy way I can do this?

you could use Skript and WorldGuard to achieve this


every 10 minutes:
	loop all players:
		if "%region at loop-player%" contains "AFKZone":
			give loop-player 1 golden apple





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People just logged on can get golden apples, use variables instead


on region enter:
    if region is "afk" parsed as region:
        set {time::%uuid of player%} to 10 minutes
        send title "&A&lAFK MODE" with subtitle "&fYou have &A&nentered&R the &A&nafk&r &a&narea&R" to player for 3 seconds
on region exit:
    if region is "afk" parsed as region:
        set {time::%uuid of player%} to 10 minutes
        send title "&5&lLEFT AFK MODE" with subtitle "&fYou have &5&nleft&R &5&nafk&r &5&nmode&R" to player for 3 seconds

every second:
    loop all players:
        if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afk" parsed as region:
            if {time::%uuid of loop-player%} is not 0 seconds:
                subtract 1 second from {time::%uuid of loop-player%}
                send actionbar "&a&lAFK MODE &8| &A%{time::%uuid of loop-player%}%" to loop-player
                send title "&A&LAFK REWARDS" with subtitle "&fYou have &A&nrecieved&r an &8(your item&8)"
                give player (your item)
                set {time::%uuid of loop-player%} TO 10 minutes



Edited by ilyLuna
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