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Custom crafts not working


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I am useing the skBee add-on to make a custom craft however the craft doesn't work when I try to make it in a crafting table. Code:


    set {customitems::tntstrick} to phantom membrane named "&6TNT strick" with lore "&6Right click a block to call a huge explsion"
    set {customitems::glowbomb} to end rod named "&8Glow bomb" with lore "&6Right click to summon a giant cloud applying the glow effect to all within"

    register new shaped recipe for {customitems::tntstrick} using tnt, tnt, tnt, tnt, diamond, tnt, tnt, tnt and tnt with id "tnt_strick" in group "custom_items"
    register new shaped recipe for {customitems::glowbomb} using air, diamond, air, diamond, end rod, diamond, air, diamond and air with id "glow_bomb" in group "custom_items"


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