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Command Spy


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# Made By Jules discord: Colece
command /commandspy [<player>]:
    aliases: /commands, /cspy, /cmd
    permission: commandspy.use
    permission message: &eYou cannot use this command!
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} is set:
                clear {cs::%uuid of arg 1%}
                send "&cCommand spy has been disabled for %arg 1%."
                send "&cYour command spy has been disabled." to arg 1
                set {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
                send "&aYour command spy has been enabled." to arg 1
                send "&aCommand spy has been enabled for %arg 1%."
            if {cs::%uuid of player%} is set:
                clear {cs::%uuid of player%}
                send "&cYour command spy has been disabled."
                set {cs::%uuid of player%} to true
                send "&aYour command spy has been enabled."
on command:
    if sender is a player:
        loop all players:
            if {cs::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
                if "%player%" is not "%loop-player%":
                    send "&a%player% &6executed the command  &a/%complete command%" to loop-player
on load:
    set {csversion} to "2.1"
    message "&4Successfully loaded CommandSpy&7." to console
on unload:
    message "&4Successfully unloaded CommandSpy&7.  Goodbye!" to console
on quit:
    delete {cs::%uuid of player%}

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