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entity damage event not working.


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Hey all.

I've written this for my server, but it doesn't seem to want to work. no errors, just it doesn't seem to cancel the event.

I know it would work if it was indented like for all of the lines, but i would like to find a more code efficient way.

could anyone tell me a way this code could work like in this state, compressed?

on damage of a entity:
    if victim is not a player:
        if attacker is a zombie, skeleton, ravager, or pillager:
            cancel event

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14 hours ago, _Scribbly said:
on damage:
	if victim is not player:
		if attacker is zombie or skeleton or ravager or pillager:
			cancel event

I haven't tested this or anything yet but let me know if it works

I tried it and it still seems to allow the mobs to hit each other.

there is still no errors when reloading it.

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It may only be canceling the damage taken from the entity. The red flash and knockback will still occur. I don't know, are you trying to prevent mobs from attacking villagers? Maybe it could be made more direct, like:

on damage of villager:
	if attacker is not player:
		cancel event

Again, not tested

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19 minutes ago, _Scribbly said:

It may only be canceling the damage taken from the entity. The red flash and knockback will still occur. I don't know, are you trying to prevent mobs from attacking villagers? Maybe it could be made more direct, like:

on damage of villager:
	if attacker is not player:
		cancel event

Again, not tested

I am attempting to make it so mobs do not get damaged by other mobs
i originally had the code

on damage of a entity:
    if victim is not a player:
            cancel event

which worked, but it also makes it so ./kill didn't work, so i was attempting to make it so only certain types of mobs couldn't damage the entity, it seems like there isn't really a simpler way to write this code, so ill just go with the one with 4 indentions. thanks for attempting it though

Edited by WhyWePlay
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